The Ohnward Fine Arts Center is booking a bus trip to see the musical Hamilton in Chicago at the James H. Nederlander Theater. The date is Thursday September 14, 2023. It is a 1:30 matinee. We will leave from the Ohnward Fine Arts Center’s parking lot at 7:30 AM on that date. We should return at around 9:30 PM.
The cost is $210 each. These tickets will be sold first come first serve. No exceptions. Also no refunds will be given after tickets are purchased.
To get your tickets you must CALL the Ohnward Fine Arts Center at 563-652-9815 between 9 am and 1 pm Monday through Friday. Or just stop in. Last time tickets sold out in 2 days so don’t wait.
After all the hype, I was impressed by the brilliance of the theatrical experience that makes Hamilton a groundbreaking hip-hop/rap opera! The entire experience of this show is much more than the total of its individual elements! This ingenious work dares to take the Broadway musical into new, uncharted territory that combines history with contemporary language, current musical styles to make history come alive in a most engaging manner. The concept by Lin-Manuel Miranda and his creatives grabs us and keeps us flowing with spectacular movements and dances with provocative rhymed vernacular and haunting, emotionally-charged music. Throw-in a campy King George for comic relief and Hamilton makes the history of the founding of America come alive.
Thursday Sep 14, 2023
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM CDT
Thursday, September 14th
1:30 PM Matiinee
Leave Ohnward Fine Arts Center at 7:30 AM
OFAC, 563-652-9815